Dnipro University of Technology — Compliance with the Time

Background of the Chair

Brief History of the discovery and early development of mineral deposits in the XIX century began to develop mining business in South Russia (Ukraine), the base of which were discovered large reserves of coal (Donbass), iron ore (Krivoy Rog), manganese (Nikopol deposit) mercury ore (Nikitovske deposit), salt (Bahmutskiy deposit), and refractory clay, construction and other species.

History opening these fields next.


First coal in the Donbass were found in the XVI century, however, a systematic study of coal deposits began in the early XVIII century.

Pioneer in the Donbass coal was H.H.Kapustin, which was part of a group V.M.Ladyhina whom Peter I in 1703 ordered search of ores and fuel. Peter said, "... is this myneral, ezhely not us then our descendants will be exceedingly polezen."

In 1721, Grigory Kapustin discovered in the eastern part of the Donbass coal fields. In 1795, coal mining began in Lisichanskom mine, and in 1797-1806 he was - at Hunderivskomu deposits. In 1900, the Donbas has had about 200 companies that mined 11 million tons of coal.

Drilling single wells to a depth of 50-80 meters (usually percussion-rotary method) was conducted only for the detail of individual blocks of small mine fields. Conducting mechanical drilling wells depth 200-300 m were rare, they burylysya to detail some elements more large fields or for drilling new shafts. Extensive search, advanced exploration at the time hardly fought.

Before the revolution there were already in the Donbass mines in 1604. Most mines were small napivkustarnymy companies - about 70% of coal were given 6% of the total number of mines.

As a result of developments in the Donbass coal decreases shylosya almost 7 times. in 1920 did not work 623 mines. There has catastrophic situation with fuel.

In 1920 in Kharkiv was organized by the Central Board of coal industry TSPKP, composed of Department of Geological Prospecting entered TSPKP. On it was placed on the management of exploration of mine fields in the Donbass.

In 1921 TSPKP creates several geological district offices (hereafter reconnaissance parties): Hryshynske, Yuzovsky, Central. In 1921-1926 they spent years prospecting in many parts of the Donbass. Already by 1926 Donvuhillya had 35 machines mechanical drilling.

In 1925-1926 he started work on the study of underground water sources in towns of Donbas. In 1927-1928 he Heolkom organized a few parties for hydrogeological survey.

From 1925-1928 laid the first boreholes for extending the pool.

in 1929, was organized by the trust "Donbasvuhillerozvidka", which includes Hryshynska, Nikitovska, Kadiyevskiy, Shcheglovska, Donbasantratsytivska and Shakhty party.

The construction of databases exploration parties were organized courses for training drillers.

Rig pool

One of the largest iron ore basins in the world is Rig, which is located in the Dnipropetrovsk region.

First information about the extraction of iron ore in Kryvorizhzhya related to the 2.6 century BC to the time of the Scythians. Discovery of iron ore in Krivoy Rog iron ore basin belongs to the second half of XVIII century. First "Iron slate" on the banks of the river Ingulets described in the 1781-1782 academic years V.F.Zuyev.

Exploration and their industrial development began in the 80s of XIX century. For the first time the rich iron ore were discovered AN Paul, who founded "The company Rih iron ores." For 1882, it produced 16 thousand tons of iron ore. In 1884 he began operating the railway, which connected the Donbass with Rih, which contributed to industrial development of iron ore. In 1913, iron ore in Krivoi Rog basin was 6.4 million tons, ie 74% of all iron ore mined in Russia.

During the First World War, civil war and foreign intervention in 1918-1920 most of the mines Rih was destroyed. Since 1921 began restoration to the pool and in 1930 iron ore in the Krivoi Rog Basin exceeded the pre-revolutionary level.

To ensure inventory of existing mines increased the need to conduct exploration and, above all, well drilling.

Nikitovske field.

In 1879 opened industrial Nikitovske deposit mercury ore in the Donbass, which began developing in 1886. In 1888, mercury was mined about 140-150 tons. However, in pre-revolutionary time the highest amount of mercury mining accounts for 1898 and 1903 years - 330-350 tons.

Foundation of Higher Mining School

Ekaterinoslav located in the heart of South-Russian mining and factory industry. To the east of it are the Donetsk coal basin and Bahmutskiy salt area, as well as many deposits of minerals (mercury, limestone, dolomite, gypsum, cement marl, etc.). The event - Rog iron ore district, where there are many other minerals (graphite, kaolin, coal, building materials, etc.). On the southwest - Nikopol Manganese-ore region. Rich in minerals Crimean peninsula also located not far-from Yekaterinoslav.

Rapid development of industry and its concentration to 80-90% in the South increased the need for technical personnel with mine fields. In Yekaterinoslav January 26, 1896 meeting convened by members of City Council, City Council and representatives of industry, which supported the creation of Yekaterinoslav Mining Institute.

Congress of Mining Manufacturers southern Russia, which took place in Odessa Oct. 25, 1896, also spoke at the opening of the Higher Mining Institution in Yekaterinoslav as having placed in the center of mining and metallurgy plant in southern Russia.

In 1898 a special commission was made the project "Higher Mining School."

May 29, 1899 the State Council approved the "Regulation on Yekaterinoslav Higher Mining School" and 4 June 1899 Tsar Nicholas II wrote - "Bыt for Sam."

September 7, 1899, the first meeting of the school. The opening of school was held at the Potemkin palace on September 30 (13 October) 1899.

When founding the school had two branches - mining and factory.

Since 1903 began converting schools in Mining Institute as "the St. Petersburg Mining Institute," altered curricula, extended cycle of Geological Sciences, set up new laboratories, etc. In June 1912 the Government issued the "Law on transformation Katerinoslavsky Higher Mining School in Mining Institute".

In 1918, opened additional exploration and Surveying Department.

In 1932, a replacement unit created departments:
- Mining;
- Electromechanical;
- Geological Surveying.



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