Dnipro University of Technology — Compliance with the Time

Basic School

Since 1932 to date, the department conducted research.

main areas of scientific and practical activities of employees of the department and its graduates are geology, construction, mining and oil and gas industry, water supply.

main scientific school created by the founders of the department - leading scientists and professors A.Ya.Himelfarbom Ye.F.Epshteynom were diverse and far-reaching and are confirmed in scientific studies students - successors of the case for many years.

Professor A.Ya.Himelfarbom have developed the theoretical foundations of design porodoruynivnoho tool using superhard materials.

led by Professor Ye.F.Epshteyna (1934-1937 years), with Professor P.H.Nesterenko, associate P.M.Shylova, associate N.V.Pichahchi, A.K.Sydorenko engineer, engineer V.A.Lazaryana and engineer N.P.Hryshkovoyi in 1934-1938 he was the first time, theoretical and experimental investigation of rock failure in shock, shock-rotary drilling, which were widely recognized as fundamental in the field of mechanical drilling. The Department had proposed a method of studying the mechanical properties of rocks by dipping them die, developed further in the work of Professor L.A.Shreynera and his students. Professor Ye.F.Epshteynom the relationship between mechanical properties and anisotropy of rocks.

In the same period Ye.F.Epshteynom professor with Ph.D. V.N.Bakulya, engineer and professor M.H.Kravtsova N.V.Pichahchi made investigations of wear of carbide tools, the results of which appeared a basis for the widespread introduction of solid alloys in the mining industry. The results of these studies Ye.F.Epshteyn developed the basic theory of rotational torque and shock-rock drilling Carbide porodoruynivnym tool and proposed formulas for calculating the mechanical drilling speed. To estimate a reasonable time to drill one flight Carbide tool tupytsya, Ye.F.Epshteynom professor, associate professor and assistant H.P.Popovym O.S.Filipovoyu proposed as a criterion of optimization using scheduled speed drilling.

Since the mid 50-ies on the initiative of the Department have been de-started work on research and development Hydroshock machines for drilling, rotary percussive method of deep exploration wells. The first samples Hydroshock drilling machines were shown in 1962 at international exhibitions in Yugoslavia and Japan. In subsequent years, these works CSOs joined them. A.A.Skochynskoho, CDB Ministry of Geology of USSR, VNDIBT, MynH and GP name .. Gubkin and others. In works on the study of means and the technology shock rotary drilling was attended by professors and Ye.F.Epshteyn V.H.Yasov, Ph.D. H.V.Artsymovych, Ph.D. Yu.D.Bezsonov, V.F.Siryk, L.S.Bahanovych, A.A.Kozhevnikov and YU.H.D 'yachenko. Theoretical and experimental research in shock-rotational drilling of deep wells and the transfer of impact energy were used in the practical development of a number of hydro shock machines.

created the Department together with SCB WEI "Soyuzheotehnika" reflectors hydraulic waves made it possible to expand the scope hydroblow-nykiv to a depth of 2000 meters.

Professor and Associate F.I.Kucheryavym D.I.Fishelevychem in 50 years of research conducted by the destruction of rocks during drilling Carbide porodoruynivnym instrument using high-speed shooting and tenzometruvannya.

The Department performed theoretical and experimental studies of rotational power drilling and hole (R. S.Ya.Solohub, Ph.D. V.M.Tkachenko Assoc. A.O.Kozhevnikov, Eng. VA . ass). Designed and implemented new designs porodoruynivnoho tool for drilling without coring and sampling it.

The second important direction of scientific activities of the department staff should include research and development complex influence of fluids on fracture of rocks during drilling. The use of surface-active additives to flushing liquids allows almost 1.5 times more effective torque and shock-rotational drilling. Since the early 50's so far the department conducts research to develop new formulations of drilling fluids and drilling technology in complex geological conditions of their use, as well as ways and means to isolate areas of absorption by SHSS and other plugging mixtures (R. In . H.Yasov, Ye.F.Epshteyn Assoc. A.M.Brazhenenko). Designed and implemented silicate and silicate-liquid humic washings (Prof. Ye.F.Epshteyn Assoc .. L.V.Korchahin). The influence of surface-active agents (surfactants) on the efficiency of destruction of rocks and a technology they use in drilling wells (R. Ye.F.Epshteyn, M.A.Dudlya, O.M.Davydenko Assoc. N.M.Havrylenko , A.V.Varenyk and others).

third research focus of the department staff is a technology and technical means of destruction of rocks at the bottom hole.

previously executed under the supervision of Professor Ye.F.Epshteyna theoretical and experimental investigations of the destruction of rocks by rotary and percussion-rotary drilling are thorough in our country and abroad. In the 60 years in a large volume of research conducted to develop new methods of rock failure using electro-hydraulic effect and high frequency current (R. Ye.F.Epshteyn, Ing. E.I.Arsh, H.K.Vitort) .

development of these works have become research professor S.Ya.Solohuba by rotation-force drilling of rocks during drilling blast holes and solid face. The same research put A.O.Kozhevnikovym the basis for developing new techniques for drilling - crowns TKD.

Since the end of 70 years in the department (Prof. Ye.F.Epshteyn Assoc. Yu.D.Bezsonov, Ph.D. A.I.Shepel, Eng. Yu.V.Vodolazkyy) together Department of Tula ED TSNDHRI and NPO "Tulachermet" developing scientific direction for the use of new damping materials in buildings diamond crowns and expanders. Work was completed on the creation and transfer to mass production of efficient diamond crown 01A3-ZHM.

The department resolved the technical and economic problem of choosing the best height of drilling tower (R.. Ye.F.Epshteyn, p. off. O.S.Filipova).

Based on direct measurements of force at the bottom hole are shown practical ways to improve the transfer of axial load on the tool porodoruynivnyy (Associate Professor. A.M.Brazhenenko).

Development of technology and technical foundations of thermomechanical method of drilling dedicated professor. Ye.F.Epschteyna and P.P.Vyrvinskoho professor and professor. A.O.Kozhevnikova.

original method of calculation of drill pipe was proposed by the department in 1978 (R. Ye.F.Epshteyn and others). In those same 70 years on faculty studies of wave processes in the drill string and their impact on the characteristics of strength, and developed hardware vibrohashennya (Ph.D. A.I.Shepel).

Completed research in drilling water wells and developed the basic theory of vibroustanovok to destruction of soft rock quarries sides (Associate Professor P.F.Palyanov, Ph.D. V.A.Ostapenko).

The Department also performed theoretical research technology diamond drilling exploration wells in a rational energy transfer porodoruynivnomu tool without violating the integrity of the drill string (associate I.M.Pahomov, Yu.L.Kuzin), and theoretical and experimental investigation of stress distribution the destruction of anisotropic rocks at the bottom of the well The use of polarization-optical method and the method of modeling (Prof. S.Ya.Solohub, Ph.D. S.H.Hodyayev).

to control direction of the track well developed in the Department teleinklinometr, which does not yield better place for foreign samples (Associate Professor I.M.Pahomov, Eng. V.A.Papizh). Since 1991, he produced the state of scientific and industrial small business "BYSYP" (Director V.A.Papizh).

In recent years the department has undertaken and carried out theoretical and experimental studies led by Dr. of technical sciences, professor A.O.Kozhevnikova the following areas:

  • new methods of rock failure;
  • rational layout columns for drilling exploration drilling;
  • and technology hydrological drilling wells;
  • switching technology drilling.

  • Industry Research Laboratory

    late 50's and early 60-ies of XX century at the Department of Technology exploration of mineral deposits of Dnipropetrovsk Mining Institute under the direction of Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Eugene F. Epstein received extensive development studies related to the development of effective technologies drilling of deep exploration wells. There was an urgent need to organize a scientific unit at the Department of Technology Intelligence RSC, the results of which would be sent to assist in conducting exploration works in a coal mining region of the Ukraine - Donbass.

    preparatory work done by the Department of Technology Intelligence RCC has led to the fact that the joint order of the Ministry of Geology and the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Specialized Education of Ukraine within the research sector Dnipropetrovsk Mining Institute in July 1965 was based industrial research laboratory drilling technology deep exploration wells in the Donbass.

    In laboratory was charged with scientific research and experimental work in the following key areas:

  • research and development porodoruynivnoho tool for core drilling exploration wells in the area of trust "Luhanskheolohiya" to improve the mechanical and scheduled drilling speed;
  • development of methods of measuring forces and how they increase to improve the mechanical and long-distance speed drilling.
  • scientific management of the laboratory from 1965 to 1973 served Ye.F.Epshteyn professor. Responsibilities of the Head of the Laboratory from 1965 to 1968 served engineer Ye.V.Byelofastov.

    From 1983 to 1990 and supervisor of the laboratory was head of TRRKK, PhD, Professor Stephen Y. Sologub. At this time a change laboratory head - instead of Yanukovych Sirikit, Ph.D., who headed the laboratory from 1968 to 1980, as the head was chosen Alexander Davydenko, Ph.D..

    After the collapse of the Soviet Union and establish an independent Ukraine there have been significant changes in the structure of the geological field. Eliminated the Ministry of Geology and Ukraine and State Committee of Geology. Reduced funding to conduct research and therefore in the period 1994-2000 years there has been a definite decline in laboratory work.

    Further research conducted at the Department of topics that teachers zaklyuchaly on its own initiative.

    During the period of branch laboratories achieved significant results in the following areas:

  • Various designs dodger drill pipe to ensure an effective fight against distortions wells (square cross section, profile figure). To increase the stiffness of joints dodger drill pipe with packed column set and reduced distortion drilling wells designed safety adapter (Avt. mon. USSR 589361). The authors develop is a Ph.D. Ye.F.Epshteyn, Ph.D. A.M.Brazhenenko, V.F.Siryk and Ing. Ye.V.Byelofastov.
  • The technology and equipment bezkernovoho well drilling at high axial loads. A porodoruynivnyy tool rotation-cutting power for drilling diameters 76 and 93 mm for high axial loads on clay and sandy slates, sandstones and limestones maloabrazyvnym. The shape and geometry of the cutting elements pereryvystist blades ensure bit-hear the transmission of high specific loads on the working face hole. A cutter with carbide consisting of cubic boron nitride, cobalt and tungsten carbide. Laboratory studies confirmed that endurance cutters of this alloy is 2-3 times higher than incisors with alloy VK. Cutters and carbide inserts may be of various shapes and sizes in accordance with the mining and geological conditions and technical requirements. The design tverdosplavnoyi crown TKD, which is designed for drilling and rotary-percussive rotary drilling methods in the rocks of VI-VIII categories. The authors develop is a Ph.D. S.Ya.Solohub, Ph.D. A.O.Kozhevnykov, Ph.D. V.V.Popkov, S.H.Hodyayev and Ing. M.D.Yatsenko.
  • The technology and tools of composite material for diamond drilling. The proposed in-strument porodoruynivnyy that has made a material vibrohasyachoho D30-MP and wear resistant porodoruynivnyh elements. During drilling of the proposed instrument by scattering his body wave energy damping of oscillations increases (vibrohasyachyy) effect in at vybiyniy area generated a significant amount of heat, resulting in increased stability and rock cutting tool capacity. The authors are developing Ph.D. Ye.F.Epshteyn, Ph.D. Yu.D.Bezsonov, A.I.Shepel, O.M.Davydenko and A.O.Kozhevnykov.
  • developed and explored new ways of drilling. Theoretical and experimental studies have shown that if porodoruynivnoho tool supplied is necessary for the destruction of rock power, the process of drilling vibroudarnoho characterized by high intensity, increased stability and reduced tool porodoruynivnoho energy. To realize these conditions in well devel-Blenheim vybiynyy vibroudarnyy mechanism that uses resonance rod system that varies in standing wave mode in the range 200-2000 s-1, called the brown sound that differs from the usual shock and vibroudarnyh resolution mechanisms in the 3 store -4 times the threshold energy for the same masses. The authors develop is a Ph.D. Ye.F.Epshteyn, Ph.D. A.I.Shepel, O.M.Davydenko and Yu.D.Bezsonov.
  • The technology of drilling exploration wells using surfactants and anti-friction additives. As a result of theoretical and experimental studies established that PAAD, inserted into the drilling fluids provide a lower energy process of rock failure, the cost of power for drilling, increase durability porodoruynivnoho tool. The authors develop is a Ph.D. Ye.F.Epshteyn, Ph.D. O.M.Davydenko, M.A.Dudlya, A.V.Varenyk.
  • Great attention was paid to study processes in the wells. Found that the amount of energy transferred through drill shaft is largely dependent on its interaction with the walls of wells and hydraulic forces the staff. Proved that the loss of force feeding may be 40-60% of the value of the measured surface force devices. A method of direct measurements in the borehole and by calculating the magnitude of losses that can evaluate and select a rational layout of the bottom of the well shaft for high speed machining. The authors develop is a Ph.D. Ye.F.Epshteyn, Ph.D. A.M.Brazhenenko and V.F.Siryk.



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