Dnipro University of Technology — Compliance with the Time

Vladimir Khomenko
Ph.D., Associate Professor

Born April 1, 1974 in Bilytske Donetsk region. In 1981 went to Bilytsku eight school number 8, which ended in 1989, Then went to high school number 9. After graduation in 1991 entered the middle vocational school № 83 of Bilytske specialty "Dealer of food".

In 1992 entered the Dnepropetrovsk Mining Institute on a specialty "Technology and engineering exploration of mineral deposits." After graduating with honors from the State Mining Academy of Ukraine entered the graduate school.

Since 2000 assistant at the Department of Technology exploration of mineral deposits.

In 2004 he defended his thesis on "Justification design parameters of planetary bits shockless actions».

Since 2005 assistant professor of engineering exploration of mineral deposits NSU.

Teaches discipline "Drilling for oil and gas," "Completion of wells," "The processes of drilling degasification wells", "Systems of geo-technology in mining," "Intellectual Property", "Fundamentals of Patent affairs, " Fundamentals of technical creativity. " Prepared and published two manuals: "Repair of holes," "Intellectual Property", "Patentology" in collaboration. Co-author of the monograph "Bottomhole factors diamond drilling geological prospecting wells».

Published 70 scientific and teaching work. Of these three patents of Ukraine for inventions and one of Kazakhstan Republic.

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