![]() Abram Yakovlevich Himmelfarb Born in 1881, 17/30 March in Melitopol, Tavricheskogo province in the family servant transport company. In 1898 he graduated from high school and Melitopol in the same year on a competitive basis entered S.Peterburzkoho Forestry Institute, where he studied one year, then in 1899 was dismissed for participating in student riots. In spring 1899 enrolled in the competition in Yekaterinoslav Higher Mining School, which graduated in mining office March 30, 1903. After graduation he went to specialize in electrical engineering in Belgium in Lyezhskyy University, where he listened to special courses for engineers in the annual Institute Montefloro then returned to Russia and has since worked mainly in oil drilling and intelligence affairs, namely: 1904 May-August 1904 - Executive drilling in the study of soils for construction of bridge across the river Oredezh, Moscow-Vindavo-Rybinsk Railway. 1904 August-1905 February - singer works on artesian water supply station Yasinuvata, Kateryninskoyi railway. 1905 April - 1906 September - Assistant Managing oil indus-slamy company "Caucasus" in Baku. 1906 September - 1911 May - managing oil fields of the English company "European Oil Company" Baku. 1911 May - 1913 October - chief engineer and geologist in oil fields in the Kuban region of England joint stock company "Maikop - Russian oil Ko." 1914 May - 1918 January - Assistant Director and Head of International Division drill techno-industrial company in Petrograd. During this period, made considerable drilling with water Revenskoyi fortress, Kazan gunpowder factory and on the Amur rail, oil exploration in Ukhta, diamond drilling for exploration in the Urals, Siberia and the Donbass. 1918 April - 1918 October - engineering and expert work in Leningrad customs. 1918 October - 1920 April - Senior Engineer controller himviddilu VSNH RSFSR in Leningrad. 1920 April - 1926 March - Chief Engineer and a member of the Presidium of the Special Commission for the Exploration of the Kursk magnetic anomaly. 1926 April - 1927 January - a member of the editorial committee for publication of papers OKKMA. 1925 July - 1927 October - Consultant Trust Board "Russian Gems". 1927 October - 1929 - Director of Tax Auctions USSR. 1928 January - 1929 - Consultant Committee of geological explorations. During the period from 1917 to 1929 A.Ya.Himmelfarb published 18 scientific papers. Chair since 1929. While management department Abram Yakovlevich took active part in conferences on drilling issues. for work on the investigation of the Kursk magnetic anomaly selected in May 1923 an honorary member of the Moscow Council and awarded to the team the Order of Red Banner (Diploma VTsVK'a of 19.07.1923 town). From April 1920 to October 1927 - Member of the mine workers. knew English, German and French. |