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The National Association of Public Insurance         Mediation is another form of alternative dispute
Adjusters defines licensed Public Adjusters as:      resolution that may be used instead of taking
“Public Adjusters are professionals who are          a matter to the judicial system or appraisal for
employed exclusively by a policy holder who has      settlement. Mediation is a non-binding and
sustained an insured loss. They handle every detail  confidential forum where-in participants can
of the claim, working closely with the insured to    work to improve their understanding of each
provide the most equitable and prompt settlement     other’s position and, with the assistance of a
possible. A Public Adjuster inspects the loss site   neutral mediator, attempt to work out an equitable
immediately, analyzes the damages, assembles         settlement. The mediator does not impose any
claim support data, reviews the insured’s coverage,  decision on the parties in disagreement, but rather
determines current replacement costs, and            helps the parties to reach an agreement which is
exclusively serves the client, not the insurance     mutually acceptable.
                                                     EXPERT TESTIMONY:

                                                     Representatives of National Adjusters are
                                                     frequently sought after to testify on matters
                                                     pertaining to property insurance claims. Our
                                                     experts are available to work with the litigation
                                                     team on the determination of the financial value
                                                     of the losses. Complex negotiations and litigation
                                                     over property insurance claims often requires
                                                     policy expertise and interpretation that we are
                                                     well versed in and can provide.

                                                     EXPERT DAMAGE VALUATION:

                                                     Over the years, National Adjusters has
                                                     been on the ground working to assess the
                                                     value of property owners’ losses following
                                                     many of the worst natural and man-made
                                                     disasters this country has seen. We have
                                                     been called upon to value the destruction
INSURANCE APPRAISER:                                 of large commercial structures to

Many insurance policies contain a provision, which residential homes, personal property
stipulates that either the insurance company or the and industrial structures. Our extensive
insured has the right to demand an “Appraisal”       experience in large commercial losses,
if that party disagrees as to the amount of the      including condominium and
insured loss. The purpose of the appraisal process homeowner association insurance
is to offer both parties an opportunity to settle an claims, allows us to already have an
agreed claim amount rather than going to court       advantage of most when it comes
in order to reach a settlement. Many homeowners to evaluation of damage.
and business owners find themselves disagreeing
with their insurance company’s analysis of their
insurance claim. However, most are unaware that
they can dispute the insurance company’s findings
via the insurance appraisal process! During the
insurance appraisal process, National Adjusters,
Inc. is your Appraiser!
                         Toll Free
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