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National Adjusters is the advocate of the insured.  Having been in the field for so long, we understand
We work for you and prioritize only your interests  the intricacies of insurance and our professionals
while filing for the claim.
If insurance companies have their                                         know the best ways to file for
adjusters working for them, don’t                                         claims. We know the “ins” and
you deserve to have an adjuster                                           “outs” of insurance companies
working for you?                                                          and the right way to work with
When you have insurance for your                                          documents concerning proof of
residential property and have duly                                        loss and residential insurance
paid your insurance premiums,                                             repair estimates. Time sensitive
how can you be denied the                                                 documents need to be filled only
justified amount in times of need?                                        by those who fully comprehend
We step in to protect your interests                                      residential construction, insurance
and ensure that you get the                                               restoration, and all the coverage
maximum claim amount against                                              that is afforded to the insured.
your losses. National Adjusters                                           The clauses and terms mentioned
is prepared to act as your Public                                         in homeowners property
Adjuster, Disaster Consultant, and                                        insurance policies can be very
your Insurance Appraiser.                                                 confusing for the policyholders.
We have a team of experienced professionals to                            Often, some of the detailed
offer you total support in terms of loss analysis,  terms may not even be looked into while taking
estimating and negotiating with insurance           up the policy. This is not caring for the client’s
company to procure the best possible settlement     best interest. National Adjusters has experienced
amount for your loss.                               professionals to decipher all clauses and knows the
                                                    most appropriate ways to file for the claims for its

How many home and business owners fully understand their insurance
policies and how can they be sure they received all that was justly due?

The average person has never read their insurance policy and is not aware that exclusions and
         limitations exist that preside over their policy set by state law and regulation.


National Adjusters are well known for               than the insurance
obtaining some of the largest condominium           company’s initial offer
settlements in the country. As Licensed Public      (Greater than 3000% in most cases).
Adjusters, Insurance Appraisers, and Disaster       Condominium claims are very complex and
Consultants, we can serve ALL of the needs of any   should only be handled by proven professionals
property management company or condominium          with a track record of success. Over the years,
association, anywhere nationally and                National Adjusters have assisted many
internationally. Our Public Adjusters fight to      condominium associations and owners to get the
recover the maximum settlement. Due to our vast     settlement they deserved. We understand how
experience and knowledge in adjusting large         overwhelming damage caused by fire, water,
condominium losses, the settlements National        flood, hurricane, and other perils can be.
Adjusters have obtained were dramatically larger
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